MLC-BMaD - Multi-Label Classification using Boolean Matrix Decomposition. Transforms the labels using a Boolean matrix decomposition, the first resulting matrix are used as latent labels and a classifier is trained to predict them. The second matrix is used in a multiplication to decompress the predicted latent labels. For more information see: J"org Wicker, Bernhard Pfahringer, Stefan Kramer: Multi-Label Classification using Boolean Matrix Decomposition. In: Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 179-186, 2012.
author = {J"org Wicker, Bernhard Pfahringer, Stefan Kramer},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing},
pages = {179-186},
title = {Multi-Label Classification using Boolean Matrix Decomposition},
year = {2012}
-size <value>
Size of the compressed matrix. Should be less than the number of labels and more than 1. (default: 20)
-threshold <value>
Threshold for the matrix decompositon, what is considered frequent. Between 0 and 1. (default: 0.5)
-W <classifier name>
Full name of base classifier. (default: meka.classifiers.multilabel.BR)
If set, classifier is run in debug mode and may output additional info to the console
If set, classifier capabilities are not checked before classifier is built (use with caution).
The number of decimal places for the output of numbers in the model (default 2).
The desired batch size for batch prediction (default 100).
Options specific to classifier meka.classifiers.multilabel.BR:
-W <classifier name>
Full name of base classifier. (default: weka.classifiers.trees.J48)
If set, classifier is run in debug mode and may output additional info to the console
If set, classifier capabilities are not checked before classifier is built (use with caution).
The number of decimal places for the output of numbers in the model (default 2).
The desired batch size for batch prediction (default 100).
Options specific to classifier weka.classifiers.trees.J48:
Use unpruned tree.
Do not collapse tree.
-C <pruning confidence>
Set confidence threshold for pruning. (default 0.25)
-M <minimum number of instances>
Set minimum number of instances per leaf. (default 2)
Use reduced error pruning.
-N <number of folds>
Set number of folds for reduced error pruning. One fold is used as pruning set. (default 3)
Use binary splits only.
Do not perform subtree raising.
Do not clean up after the tree has been built.
Laplace smoothing for predicted probabilities.
Do not use MDL correction for info gain on numeric attributes.
-Q <seed>
Seed for random data shuffling (default 1).
Do not make split point actual value.
If set, classifier is run in debug mode and may output additional info to the console
If set, classifier capabilities are not checked before classifier is built (use with caution).
The number of decimal places for the output of numbers in the model (default 2).
The desired batch size for batch prediction (default 100).