Related projects
There are many software projects that are related to Weka because they use it in some form. An incomplete list can be found below. Perhaps particularly noteworthy are RWeka, which provides an interface to Weka from R, python-weka-wrapper, which provides a wrapper for using Weka from Python, and ADAMS, which provides a workflow environment integrating Weka.
You may also want to take a look at the (incomplete) list of "unofficial" packages for WEKA 3.7.
Active links#
- ADAMS - Advanced Data mining And Machine learning System offers all of WEKA's functionality (and lots more) in its workflow engine.
- Agent Academy - Java integrated development framework for creating Intelligent Agents and Multi Agent Systems
- Auto-WEKA - Automatic parameter tuning and algorithm selection for Weka.
- Balie* - BAseLine Information Extraction.
- Bayesian Network Classifiers - with bindings for Weka.
- BioWeka - Knowledge discovery and data analysis for biologists.
- C4.5Rule-PANE and NeC4.5
- Cahit Arf - a data extraction utility for Weka.
- Contrast Mining - Mining the interesting differences between pre-defined data groups.
- Cost-sensitive classifiers - Adaboost extensions for cost-sensitive classification.
- Dataconda - Builds a flat table (and an .arff file) from a relational database.
- Debellor - Data mining platform for data streams.
- DecisionTemplate - Combining classifiers using Decision Templates.
- distributedWekaSpark - A proof of concept for running Weka in Apache Spark.
- ELKI - Similar project, with focus on clustering and outlier detection, as well as on using database index structures for acceleration.
- Fuzzyweka - Classifier for fuzzy classification based on fuzzy if-then rules.
- GATE - NLP workbench with Weka interface.
- GeneticProgramming - Genetic Programming Classifier for Weka
- Graph RAT - A framework for combining graph and non-graph algorithms.
- GroovyLab - Groovy based Matlab-like interface to Weka's algorithms.
- - A translation tool to facilitate the creation of files for Weka 3.6. Courtesy of the University of Jordan.
- Java Framework to crate ARFF from JPA Entity - Use the JPA Entities to create automatically you ARFF file.
- Kea - automatic keyphrase extraction.
- KeplerWeka - Weka module for the Kepler workflow environment.
- Learning Vector Quanization - and more with Weka.
- Matlab Weka Interface - A module for using Weka from Matlab.
- Mayday - Machine Learning for Microarrays - plugin for the WEKA machine Learning Library.
- Meka - A multi-label extension for Weka.
- Milk - a workbench for multi-instance learning.
- MOA - Massive online analysis for data streams.
- Modified version of Weka, including time series mining and visualization tools.
- Mulan - Multi-label classification.
- Pattern Miner - Integrated Pattern Management (extraction, storage, retrieval and comparison of data mining patterns)
- pHMM4weka - Profile Hidden Markov Models for Weka.
- PROMPT - Statistical comparison and mapping of protein sets. Import/Export of WEKA arff data files.
- python-arff - Pure Python library for parsing and writing ARFF files.
- python-weka-wrapper - Wrapper for conveniently using Weka from Python.
- RWeka - an R interface to Weka.
- ScalaLab - Scala based Matlab-like interface to Weka's algorithms.
- Semi-Supervised and Collective Classification using Weka.
- Spectral clustering by Luigi Dragone.
- StarSystem command-line tool implementing best practices in supervised classification, including "agnostic" feature selection.
- TClass - classifying multivariate time series.
- Tertius - a system for rule discovery.
- TUBE - Tree-based Density Estimation Algorithms.
- TunedIT - Automated tests of machine-learning algorithms. Repository of datasets, algorithms and benchmarks.
- Weka for Computational Genetics - Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) added to the Weka package.
- Weka Proper- Database propositionalization for Weka.
- weka4WS - distributed data mining.
- Weka-GDPM and Weka-STPM - Weka for geographic data processing and Moving Object Data Analysis and Mining.
- WekaMetal - a meta-learning extension to Weka.
- Weka-Parallel - parallel processing for Weka.
- Word sense disambiguation by Ted Pedersen.
- x2arff - A simple VB application to convert data stored in excel files into Attribute-Relation File Format.
- YALE - Yet Another Learning Environment.
Dead links (information potentially accessible through Internet Archive)#
- BenchMarking Via Weka - Programming-language agnostic experimental framework.
- CMAC - The Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller
- CVS to ARFF converter - an online tool for the conversion from CSV files to ARFF files
- Epitopes Toolkit (EpiT) - A platform for developing epitope prediction tools.
- FAEHIM - Data Mining Web services.
- FastKMeans - a faster version of k-means clustering (.zip file).
- Fuzzy algorithms - for clustering and classification.
- GRB Tool Shed - a tool to aid gamma ray burst research.
- Grid Weka - grid computing with Weka.
- Instance-based Classifiers - a collection of Instance-based Classifiers.
- Judge - software for document classification and clustering.
- KDDML-MQL - support for KDD process.
- LocBoost classification demo applet.
- MARFF - extension of ARFF for Multi-Relational Applications.
- Mathematica interface for Weka.
- maxdView visualisation tool for microarray data.
- Mobile Data Mining (in portuguese) - software for mobile data mining
- OlexSuite - Text classification methods.
- OpenSubspace - Subspace-clustering for Weka.
- Rarff - A Ruby library for manipulating ARFF files.
- RSW - sequential classification with Weka.
- TagHelper Tools - a tool for analysis of conversational data.
- Weka on Text - software for text mining.
- Weka Visualization tools - using PMML, VisWiz, and ROCOn.
- Weka-GDPM - extended version of Weka 3.4 to support automatic geographic data preprocessing for spatial data mining.
- Faster implementation of a NeuralNet with backpropagation (only nominal classes).