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Generating cv folds java

This article describes how to generate train/test splits for cross-validation using the Weka API directly.

The following variables are given:

 Instances data =  ...;   // contains the full dataset we wann create train/test sets from
 int seed = ...;          // the seed for randomizing the data
 int folds = ...;         // the number of folds to generate, >=2

Randomize the data#

First, randomize your data:

 Random rand = new Random(seed);   // create seeded number generator
 randData = new Instances(data);   // create copy of original data
 randData.randomize(rand);         // randomize data with number generator

In case your data has a nominal class and you wanna perform stratified cross-validation:


Generate the folds#

Single run#

Next thing that we have to do is creating the train and the test set:

 for (int n = 0; n < folds; n++) {
   Instances train = randData.trainCV(folds, n, rand);
   Instances test = randData.testCV(folds, n);

   // further processing, classification, etc.


  • the above code is used by the weka.filters.supervised.instance.StratifiedRemoveFolds filter
  • the weka.classifiers.Evaluation class and the Explorer/Experimenter would use this method for obtaining the train set:
  •  Instances train = randData.trainCV(folds, n, rand);

Multiple runs#

The example above only performs one run of a cross-validation. In case you want to run 10 runs of 10-fold cross-validation, use the following loop:

 Instances data = ...;  // our dataset again, obtained from somewhere
 int runs = 10;
 for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
   seed = i+1;  // every run gets a new, but defined seed value

   // see: randomize the data

   // see: generate the folds

See also#
