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Contains properties for the memory usage panel/frame, which can be launched from:

  • weka.gui.Main

    File -> Memory usage

  • weka.gui.GUIChooser

    click on the Memory usage button


  • 3.5.7


  • Width

    the width of the panel in pixel. The default is 400.

  • Height

    the height of the panel - normally not set, since the height of the garbage collector button is used

  • Left, Top

    specify a fixed location on the screen in pixel. Both of these parameters have to be different from -1 to place the window. The default is -1 for both, i.e., top-left corner of the screen.

  • BackgroundColor

    defines the background color of the panel, can either be the name of a standard Java color or an RGB triplet (= R,G,B). Default is white.

  • Interval

    the refresh interval in milli-second. The default is 1000.

  • Percentages

    comma-separated list of percentage number that indicate when to switch colors. E.g., 70,80,90 (which is the default) indicates to change the color of the bar from the default one (see DefaultColor) as soon as the percentage reaches this threshold. For example, if the percentage reaches 70 percent, then the color specified with the key 70 is used (default is yellow for 70). If it reaches 80 or more then orange is used (the default for 80 is orange) and everything above and including 90 will be displayed red (red is the default for 90).

  • DefaultColor

    the default color to display the percentage bar with, i.e., if the percentage is below the lowest percentage listed in Percentages.

See also#