Running an experiment using clusterers

Using the advanced mode of the Experimenter you can now run experiments on clustering algorithms as well as classifiers (Note: this is a new feature available with Weka 3.5.8). The main evaluation metric for this type of experiment is the log likelihood of the clusters found by each clusterer. Here is an example of setting up a cross-validation experiment using clusterers.

Choose CrossValidationResultProducer from the Result generator panel.


Next, choose DensityBasedClustererSplitEvaluator as the split evaluator to use.


If you click on DensityBasedClustererSplitEvaluator you will see its options. Note that there is an option for removing the class column from the data. In the Experimenter, the class column is set to be the last column by default. Turn this off if you want to keep this column in the data.


Once DensityBasedClustererSplitEvaluator has been selected, you will notice that the Generator properties have become disabled. Enable them again and expand splitEvaluator. Select the clusterer node.


Now you will see that EM becomes the default clusterer and gets added to the list of schemes. You can now add/delete other clusterers.

IMPORTANT: in order to any clusterer that does not produce density estimates (i.e. most other clusterers in Weka), they will have to wrapped in the MakeDensityBasedClusterer.


Once and experiment has been run, you can analyze results in the Analyse panel. In the Comparison field you will need to scroll down and select "Log_likelihood".
