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AUC = the Area Under the ROC Curve.

Weka uses the Mann Whitney statistic to calculate the AUC via the weka.classifiers.evaluation.ThresholdCurve class.


See ROC curves.


See ROC curves.


Classifiers can output the AUC if the -i option is provided. The -i option provides detailed information per class.

Running the J48 classifier on the iris UCI Dataset with the following commandline:

 java [CLASSPATH|-classpath <your-classpath>] weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -t /some/where/iris.arff -i

produces this output:

 == Detailed Accuracy By Class ==

 TP Rate   FP Rate   Precision   Recall  F-Measure   ROC Area  Class
   0.98      0          1         0.98      0.99       0.99     Iris-setosa
   0.94      0.03       0.94      0.94      0.94       0.952    Iris-versicolor
   0.96      0.03       0.941     0.96      0.95       0.961    Iris-virginica

See also#